0 20+ Trending Niches to start a blog in 2013

Choosing Niche is one of the Most difficult Part in Starting a Blog. You may have great interest in many different Topics but you need to concentrate in a Particular niche to make your blog successful. For those who are starting a blog in 2013 I have listed some niches which will trend.

Here is the list of some Top Trending Niches in which you can start a New Blog -

Automobile Blogs -

Reviewing new/old automobiles such as Cars, Bikes etc is a Good Niche. Not everyone can afford Automobiles but they will love to explore its Pics and Videos online.

Entertainment/Celebrity Blog -

Writing about Gossips, Chit chat, Movies, Celebrity, Reviews etc. There are unlimited Topics about Entertainment. Write then all because they always trend.

Troll Blog-

In 2012 Troll Pages were highest Trending and it is believed that it will also trend in 2013. You can reduce the bounce rate to less than 25% if you have a Troll Blog. Many People will Comment and check different Pages too.

Top 10 lists Blog -

Collect information and Post about Top Stuffs in Everything. Such as Top Mobile Phones, Laptops, Beautiful Towns, Lakes, Tourist Places, Temples etc. It will be an nice topic to write about.

Online Shopping Blogs -

Online Shopping is the Present and the Future. Online Shopping is still new for many people , you can guide then. You can provide great money saving deals, discount offers etc.

Vlogs (Video Blogs) -

Vlog or Video Blog means a Blog where you will post your Own Created Videos such as How to unbox Samsung Galaxy s3, or how to capture Video using applications etc. Youtube Ranks in the Third Position in Alexa. It means lots of people search for lots of stuffs in Youtube. So if you have good Videos to post then you can earn a lot from that.

Travel and Lifestyle Blogs -

Every year many people plan to Travel some place and spend some of their income on such leisure. You can guide People to Choose locations and guiding everything to them.

Personal Improvement Blogs -

Nowadays People Work more and think less. So Personal Improvement and learning is necessery to them for their self development. You can get a large readership or group of people with same interest.

Money Making Blogs -

It is an evergreen Niche and is quite popular for a long time. If you write about genuine methods, correct Tips then you can get a quite good Number of Needy users who really want money.

Fashion Blogs -

Time passed, everything changed and fashion has also changed. There are different fashion styles across the globe. You can write about any latest or old fashion as people search about trending designs over the internet.

Photography Blog -

There are a large number of Photographers out there. They can start a Blog and Organize their Own Clicked original Pictures so that visitors can easily navigate the Blog and you can attract more viewers. These blogs will is very popular in Social Medias.

Technology and Social media Blogs -

Social Media is changing regularly. Everyday some changes are done. So many people are interested to know about the changes in Social Media. So such topics are always searched on the internet. But this is a very high competition blogging topic.

Educational Blogs -

Among the Regular Internet users students are more. They surf internet almost daily. Making a Blog to provide Educational Tips, Stuffs and making learning method fun is also a good topic to start about.

Gadget Blogs -

Everyday many Gadgets are released in the market and many people love to buy new gadgets. So people are curiously waiting to know about the latest gadgets so that they can get a review and buy it. Providing Specifications, Tips, Reviews etc will be great.

Gaming Blog -

Many Guys love to play games online /offline in their PC, XBox, consoles etc. They always look for game updates over the internet. Getting Cheats, Hacks, Tips, Updates, reviews etc can drive huge traffic to the blog.

Food and Recipe Blog -

People love to eat food and some to cook food. Those who want to learn new recipe they usually search over the internet. You can collect a list of recipes, categorize it and Publish it with Pics and Videos will be great.

Designing Blogs -

Tutorials related to designing, animation tutorials, Photoshop tricks with step by step method is also a good niche. But it need time to create content and explaining every steps.

Health Blogs -

Now a days people work by sitting ideal in one place. This cause different health problems. Solving their problem, providing them Tips to stay healthy. Helping they to get out from their problems. A blog that can provide these stuffs is better niche.

Sports Blogs -

Cricket, football, Hockey etc are the games which is craze among youngsters  proving them with latest news and happenings in the sports world can make you famous among young guys.

Android or iOS blogs -

Listing Top Android or iOS Games, Applications regularly by reviewing it can drive huge traffic because the number of Smartphone and tablet users are increasing daily and they always want to get latest applications for their gadgets so they search for it.

Programming or Coding Blog -

Some People love to write code in may different languages such as c , c++ , python, java , ruby etc. There are lots of codes. If you love to write about codes then you can write and publish so that you can create a comunity with the people with same interests.

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